Welcome to The wallet the Waist and the Soul

The wallet the waist and the soul .

I am not qualified to tell you what to do.
I have no medical degree , no great success story where I have overcome incredible odds and no " wealthy barber" bank account to prove it all works.

I do not qualify as a professional when it comes to the world of giving advice.
I do qualify as a human, no different that most with my own set of trials, mistakes,and victories that have brought me to this place.

I am starting over in all aspects except for my relationship and I am terrified. I have learned one thing through the last couple years of my life
. You have now. You have today and today is the only promise that you can count on. Life for me is about one thing , being happy.
This is my story.
The story of not overcoming, skirting by a d never finishing anything until I woke up on an idle Wednesday to a horrid reminder that you only have today.
I am making some changes and taking you along for the ride.
Maybe, this will be the thing I finish. 


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